When is the right time to start my business?

The answer is simple. Right Now! What concerns you the most when it comes to starting your business?  Contact us via call/txt/email for professional tools or tips and even get a personal consultant to help you build your business plan and setup with your own LLC, DBA, etc. today.

What can I name my company?

This can be frustrating. There are so many start up businesses out there. You might have the perfect name and find out that it's already taken or you might just not know what to name your company in order to properly brand your business or idea. Our team will talk with you and research other corps in order to create your own perfect company name. Then we take the next steps necessary to register your (Corp., LLC., DBA., etc.) w/ both the state and IRS to obtain your company name & Federal Tax ID (EIN).

What goes into starting up my own business?

There are many different factors that go into starting up your own business depending on the specific idea, product, or services you offer. You might need to obtain licensing and permits from the state; you might need to have a outsource. We can provide you with the skills, knowledge, and marketing tools necessary to thrive in today's competitive market place.

Do I have what it takes to succeed in my endeavors as a entrepreneur?

Any person with the proper backing, intent, and structure can become profitable. What you need is determination, creativity, discipline, and most a team of individuals with the same work ethic and dedication you would uphold your own standards to; in order to achieve your goal and become successful in any and ever business venture you will have now or in the future.

Why should I become a entrepreneur?

This question has a million different answers but the most important reason to become a entrepreneur is to obtain freedom. Life is unexpected, by being a entrepreneur you're putting yourself in the driver's seat. You can now control your time and earn a life of abundance/financial freedom. We all hope to live a life of peace and prosperity without the burden of unnecessary  stress and distractions. Don't let your own insecurities hold you back. Realize your capability; reach out to a expert advisor at Creative Connect Consulting today!